History Tells Us These Stocks Will Rise

Have you ever wondered why the United States is so different from any other country, or why so many of the products used around the world were invented here?

Go anywhere on earth, and you’ll see people using smartphones. Where did the smartphone originally come from? America. It was originally developed by IBM in Florida.

#-ad_banner-#Likewise, you’ll find Internet access everywhere, which was also invented in the United States. In fact, go to any large city in the developed world, and you can watch a Hollywood movie, hear American music and find a Starbucks.

Call it American ingenuity, but the things we come up with are inevitably sought after by people in nearly every corner of the world. Even where the governments don’t like us — like in Russia and Iran.

This has gone on throughout history. The list is endless: the cotton gin, the telegraph, the telephone, the light bulb, the airplane. You get the picture.

I’m not saying this to be patriotic. I say it to remind you that we have something unique in this country that’s helped us out of every economic mess we’ve found ourselves in.

In fact, nearly every time our economy has looked down and out, we’ve turned things around. And no one ever seems to see it coming. Take the baby boom for example. 

The world’s economy had just been devastated by WWII. We’d just picked up the tab to rebuild Europe, thrusting ourselves into crushing post-war debt totaling more than our nation’s GDP.

And to make things worse, most American families were struggling just to return to normal life. Factories closed as they stopped producing war goods, and unemployment doubled as 10 million soldiers returned home.

In fact, a year after the war, the United States suffered the worst one-year recession in history. Everyone expected The Great Depression to rear its ugly head again.

One Nobel Prize winning economist predicted that what would follow would be, “the greatest period of unemployment and industrial dislocation which any economy has ever faced.”

But that’s not what happened.

Factories soon converted from making weapons to making consumer appliances. People got jobs, and the overwhelming national debt quickly shrunk in the rear-view mirror. It didn’t happen overnight, but within four years, we were firmly on the way to the longest period of American prosperity.

And that’s exactly what’s happening again today.

In fact, we don’t have just two industries taking off. We have eight.

I know it seems unbelievable because you haven’t heard it on the news or at the water cooler. In fact, everyone seems to be pretty skeptical of our current economy. And that’s exactly how it’s been every time this has happened in the past. If the national media actually knew the state of our economy, everyone would know when and where to invest.

But it’s those of us who are willing to learn from the past and predict the future will make the lion’s share of the gains — just like every other boom in our country’s history.

Remember how in the last tech boom, stocks like Intel grew 25,900%? Or how Cisco shot up 103,000%?

I’m sure you’re wondering where we should look for stocks poised to go on historic runs like the ones I just mentioned. I’m not talking about penny stocks or long shots. I’m talking about proven winners in a position to reel off huge, sustained gains.

That’s why I put together a report based on hundreds of hours of research called The Top 10 Stocks for the Next Decade. It identifies the companies that stand the greatest chance of becoming the Apples or Ciscos of tomorrow. 

For instance, we recently covered an American company that’s so innovative it’s one of the top patent filers in the world. In fact, each year it files 1,200 patents to protect its valuable innovations such as a smartphone sensor that can recognize a person’s emotions.

This company is on the forefront of the boom combining the new sciences of nanotech, robotics, the Internet of things and 3D printing. Weeks after we told readers about it, the firm shot up 75%.

To get access to this report and learn more about the boom that the national media is missing, simply follow this link.