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Crude oil has risen above $72 a barrel, but cheap oil just got a little cheaper. Recently, I looked at the value of the world’s leading will double its crude reserves, and yet its stock has only risen about +8%. #-ad_banner-#Now, admittedly, Anadarko will have to spend some money to… Read More

I’m pretty sure I’ve discovered the next winning “green” tech company. Not only does it have serious technology to bring to the table, it has the most powerful financial force on the planet backing it up. This company, which is developing the batteries that will be used in the next-generation… Read More

It was September 1999 — an exciting time for up-and-coming technology companies like IMS Health (NYSE: RX). Spun-off by Nielsen Media the year before, the healthcare information specialist was standing on its own for the first time — and the future was bright. IMS was the industry’s go-to source for… Read More

When everyone agrees on something, it’s much more likely that everyone is wrong than everyone is right. Universal consensus about the end of the dollar makes me think it won’t happen. Several things move currencies: Economics, interest rates and politics. I’m going to show… Read More