Options, Futures & Derivatives

Last week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average finished lower for the fifth week in a row.  That sounds important — and it is — but I will get to that in a moment. First, I want to step back and take a long-term view.  —Recommended Link— SECRET: Add $8,760 Extra to Any Retirement Account Finally revealed! This “long lost” secret turns a quick 3-minute phone call into the opportunity to collect $8,760 checks. Every payment is backed by the full authority of the U.S. Government… and over $1.75 billion will be delivered to income-seeking Americans. Read More

Last week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average finished lower for the fifth week in a row.  That sounds important — and it is — but I will get to that in a moment. First, I want to step back and take a long-term view.  —Recommended Link— SECRET: Add $8,760 Extra to Any Retirement Account Finally revealed! This “long lost” secret turns a quick 3-minute phone call into the opportunity to collect $8,760 checks. Every payment is backed by the full authority of the U.S. Government… and over $1.75 billion will be delivered to income-seeking Americans. But your action is required TODAY while the enrollment window is open. You must click here right now to get started. Here’s a monthly chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average that goes back over the past 15 years. As you can see, there was a clear multi-year uptrend in the Dow that started back in 2009.  But since January 2018, that uptrend has stalled.  Technical analysts would say prices have been in a consolidation since then. I highlighted the consolidation pattern with a blue rectangle.  Charles Dow And The Business Cycle Writing in the late… Read More

You say you wouldn’t touch options with a 10-foot pole? You’re not alone. In a recent survey, securities broker TD Ameritrade (NYSE: AMTD) found that more than three-quarters of “buy-and-hold” investors have never bought or sold stock options. The reason? “Too risky,” according to a third of the respondents. Twenty-five percent said they “don’t need them,” and another 23% admitted they “don’t know how they work.” The truth? Yes, options can be risky, but so is investing in Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL). And, no, options are not necessarily “needed” by everyone. But if reducing exposure to market volatility, preserving capital and, yes, generating income… Read More

You say you wouldn’t touch options with a 10-foot pole? You’re not alone. In a recent survey, securities broker TD Ameritrade (NYSE: AMTD) found that more than three-quarters of “buy-and-hold” investors have never bought or sold stock options. The reason? “Too risky,” according to a third of the respondents. Twenty-five percent said they “don’t need them,” and another 23% admitted they “don’t know how they work.” The truth? Yes, options can be risky, but so is investing in Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL). And, no, options are not necessarily “needed” by everyone. But if reducing exposure to market volatility, preserving capital and, yes, generating income sound appealing to you in any way, then they’re worth considering. Take Warren Buffett, for example. —Recommended Link— Does getting paid 10% (and more) on your money every year sound good? Then you need to check this out. You’ll see recession-proof stocks yielding 10.5%… limited partnerships throwing off 11.6%… business conglomerates paying 12.3%… real estate plays yielding 18.2%… along with some ultra-generous “oddball” securities you probably never knew existed. On top of all this cash, we’re also posting total returns up to 427%. You’ll see all about it here.. The king of buy-and-hold first bought stock in Coca-Cola (NYSE:… Read More

If you’ve been following along with me lately, then you know I’m concerned about the market right now for a number of reasons. Nevertheless, the bull market remains intact. For now.  In the meantime, while I’m watching the market, I don’t see any reason to avoid making new trades rights now, especially if they’re the kind of conservative income trades my readers and I make over at Maximum Income. Case in point: I recently recommended a trade in The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO).  And today, I’m going to share the details with you… —Recommended Link— Register for Secret Cash Payouts… Read More

If you’ve been following along with me lately, then you know I’m concerned about the market right now for a number of reasons. Nevertheless, the bull market remains intact. For now.  In the meantime, while I’m watching the market, I don’t see any reason to avoid making new trades rights now, especially if they’re the kind of conservative income trades my readers and I make over at Maximum Income. Case in point: I recently recommended a trade in The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO).  And today, I’m going to share the details with you… —Recommended Link— Register for Secret Cash Payouts by Vodafone, Whole Foods and Microsoft Officially, American corporations pay out $1 billion in dividends a day. But the true payout is much higher, because so many “special” dividends go unreported. And they can be 10 times larger than a regular dividend. It’s time to lift the lid on this secret world. For 12 of the biggest secret dividends you’ll ever see, go here. For starters, you should know that this is a covered call trade. That’s a trade involving options, but don’t let that scare you. In fact, covered calls are one of the most conservative options trading… Read More

While reviewing some major indexes recently, I saw an important signal in the Baltic Dry Index.  The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is an index of shipping costs that shows the cost of moving materials in large ships. These are the ships used to move coal and steel, and changes in the index can offer insights into the state of the global economy.  A recent jump in the value of my Profit Amplifier Momentum (PAM) indicator caught my attention.  The recent increase is a surprise because many economists are warning of an economic slowdown. For example, just recently, the International Monetary… Read More

While reviewing some major indexes recently, I saw an important signal in the Baltic Dry Index.  The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is an index of shipping costs that shows the cost of moving materials in large ships. These are the ships used to move coal and steel, and changes in the index can offer insights into the state of the global economy.  A recent jump in the value of my Profit Amplifier Momentum (PAM) indicator caught my attention.  The recent increase is a surprise because many economists are warning of an economic slowdown. For example, just recently, the International Monetary Fund reduced its estimate for growth in global GDP to 3.3% from estimates of 3.5% in January and 3.7% in October.  To explain the cut, the IMF noted increased “trade tensions and tariff hikes between the United States and China, a decline in business confidence, a tightening of financial conditions, and higher policy uncertainty across many economies.”  Still, after this estimate was released, we have since seen reports of decreased tension with China and a delay in Brexit that could reduce global uncertainty.  How I Got In The Aircraft Business The rapid changes in economic news contributed to the… Read More

You may not like what I’m about to say, but the fact of the matter is that if you want a “true” retirement… The kind where you sleep well at night, travel freely and still have money left over to help out your kids and grandkids… It’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to generate enough income for that lifestyle through simply stocks and bonds. Consider this… —Recommended Link— These three companies are about to beat cancer It isn’t a new drug. It isn’t a pill, cream, spray, ointment, or any other medical treatment you’ve have heard of. Instead,… Read More

You may not like what I’m about to say, but the fact of the matter is that if you want a “true” retirement… The kind where you sleep well at night, travel freely and still have money left over to help out your kids and grandkids… It’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to generate enough income for that lifestyle through simply stocks and bonds. Consider this… —Recommended Link— These three companies are about to beat cancer It isn’t a new drug. It isn’t a pill, cream, spray, ointment, or any other medical treatment you’ve have heard of. Instead, it’s a new class of blood cells that could be all you’ll need to cure 12 types of cancer… to eradicate heart disease… diabetes… arthritis… Alzheimer’s… and extend your life by another 50 vibrant years. You can get the full details here. Let’s say you collect Social Security, but you estimate that you’ll need an additional $45,000 a year in income to maintain a comfortable standard of living in your golden years. That means, with a $250,000 portfolio, you’d need to generate around 18% annual returns just to pay yourself without losing any capital. With a $500,000 portfolio, you’d need… Read More

If you watch CNBC, you’ve probably heard an analyst say something along the lines of…  “The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”  Essentially, this means that bad news can be a buying opportunity.  #-ad_banner-#At times, that philosophy is correct. But it’s often better to wait for the impact of the bad news to become clear before buying. That approach explains why I recently told my Profit Amplifier readers that my indicator tools have a “buy” signal on mining giant Vale S. A. (NYSE: VALE).  VALE fell on catastrophic news in January when a dam maintained by… Read More

If you watch CNBC, you’ve probably heard an analyst say something along the lines of…  “The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”  Essentially, this means that bad news can be a buying opportunity.  #-ad_banner-#At times, that philosophy is correct. But it’s often better to wait for the impact of the bad news to become clear before buying. That approach explains why I recently told my Profit Amplifier readers that my indicator tools have a “buy” signal on mining giant Vale S. A. (NYSE: VALE).  VALE fell on catastrophic news in January when a dam maintained by the company in Brazil collapsed and killed an estimated 300 people. Dams are commonly used by miners to contain waste products, and Vale has more than 130 dams in Brazil. The company is now working to replace older dams with safer technology.  The collapse was absolutely a tragedy, and I do not want to minimize that fact. Vale will work with authorities and victims to resolve claims and address other concerns, as it should. However, my goal in Profit Amplifier is to recommend the best available trades with the highest potential, and VALE’s stock is giving a “buy” signal.  The… Read More

As my last days in the military drew near, I was not concerned about money at all. Unlike some of my colleagues, I had a good plan in mind on how to make money as a civilian. I had already been able to supplement my income while in service with a little known area of the stock market. Once I “got” what I’m about to share with you, a new income stream immediately started supplementing my military income by 10% — while in the middle of a war zone with very limited time and enormous stress. As soon as I… Read More

As my last days in the military drew near, I was not concerned about money at all. Unlike some of my colleagues, I had a good plan in mind on how to make money as a civilian. I had already been able to supplement my income while in service with a little known area of the stock market. Once I “got” what I’m about to share with you, a new income stream immediately started supplementing my military income by 10% — while in the middle of a war zone with very limited time and enormous stress. As soon as I left the military, I not only replaced my income, but I exceeded it by 30%. And both my income and net worth continue to grow to this day, thanks to this often misunderstood area of the market. —Recommended Link— If you could hack the stock market and get away with it, would you? Here’s how one experienced hacker did it… with easy instructions showing investors how to do the same. ​Click here. I don’t want to beat around the bush or make this sound like some super-secret investing strategy only I can tell you about… I am talking about… Read More

Valuations matter in the long run. That’s important to remember. Especially at times like this when almost every valuation metric indicates the stock market is expensive.  There are many definitions of these terms, but, to me, valuation metrics are tools to normalize the relationship between stock prices and fundamentals. Popular metrics include the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio and price-to-sales (P/S) ratio. There are dozens of these indicators, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.  —Recommended Link— Create a 10%+ Income Stream for Life We’re sitting on a collection of the safest, most generous monthly payers available. And while $11,200 in… Read More

Valuations matter in the long run. That’s important to remember. Especially at times like this when almost every valuation metric indicates the stock market is expensive.  There are many definitions of these terms, but, to me, valuation metrics are tools to normalize the relationship between stock prices and fundamentals. Popular metrics include the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio and price-to-sales (P/S) ratio. There are dozens of these indicators, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.  —Recommended Link— Create a 10%+ Income Stream for Life We’re sitting on a collection of the safest, most generous monthly payers available. And while $11,200 in dividend checks is a welcome addition to anyone’s income, investors also love racking up capital gains as high as 446%. Start generating a 10%+ income stream for life today from these consistent companies. Normalizing is a way to make numbers comparable. For example, if we are talking about company earnings, we might find one company has $10 million in earnings and another has $100 million in earnings. By itself, this information really doesn’t tell investors anything about how the stock is valued.  To make earnings more comparable, companies often report earnings per share (EPS). Assuming the first company has 10… Read More

In older books about the stock market, there’s a pattern called a “coil.” Precise definitions differ, but the general idea is that the price action is acting like a spring being compressed. Eventually, the spring is released, and it makes a rapid move as it reverts to its full size.  In the market, the coil is a setup for a sharp price move. The chart below shows the recent price action with a volatility indicator at the bottom of the chart.  The indicator is the Income Trader Volatility (ITV) indicator I developed to help me identify the best times to… Read More

In older books about the stock market, there’s a pattern called a “coil.” Precise definitions differ, but the general idea is that the price action is acting like a spring being compressed. Eventually, the spring is released, and it makes a rapid move as it reverts to its full size.  In the market, the coil is a setup for a sharp price move. The chart below shows the recent price action with a volatility indicator at the bottom of the chart.  The indicator is the Income Trader Volatility (ITV) indicator I developed to help me identify the best times to trade options. It’s a pure measure of volatility that responds relatively quickly to the market action. Best of all, it solves the problem of the lag that is found in many popular volatility indicators.  —Recommended Link— 9 Game Changing Predictions for 2019 Want to know where the money will be in 2019? Discover over a dozen potentially life-changing recommendations inside our special new report, 9 Game-Changing Investment Predictions for 2019. Click here for the full details now. Currently, volatility is low, as it was in September. ​​ ITV tends to move from low to high values. Current readings are… Read More

The S&P 500 remained above its 200-day moving average (MA) last week. The index is now up about 19% in the past eight weeks.  At Friday’s close, the index was at an important resistance level. That’s the dashed blue line in the chart below. I expect a quick move of at least 5% over the next few weeks. The question is whether the move will be up or down. —Recommended Link— Americans Are Ignoring This Proven Investing Method What’s proven to be safer than stocks and bonds, provides immediate payouts (of as much as $2,800… Read More

The S&P 500 remained above its 200-day moving average (MA) last week. The index is now up about 19% in the past eight weeks.  At Friday’s close, the index was at an important resistance level. That’s the dashed blue line in the chart below. I expect a quick move of at least 5% over the next few weeks. The question is whether the move will be up or down. —Recommended Link— Americans Are Ignoring This Proven Investing Method What’s proven to be safer than stocks and bonds, provides immediate payouts (of as much as $2,800 or more), and can be done every week? Come see the one thing that beats every income investment opportunity I’ve come across in 3 decades of research. This brief report has all the details. ​News should provide the catalyst for a price move. While we normally can’t predict when “news” will occur, we can safely assume there will be something about the approaching China trade war deadline.  On Sunday, CNBC noted…  U.S. and Chinese negotiators met for over seven hours on Saturday to resolve their trade dispute and avoid an escalation of the tit-for-tat tariffs that have… Read More