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#-ad_banner-#Back in February, I took a close look at Warren Buffett’s $12 billion stake in Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC). Well, it’s now more like a $10 billion position. He hasn’t sold shares, but the bank’s stock has been steadily dropping, giving the Oracle of Omaha a rare black eye. To understand Buffett’s next move with this massive banking concern, you need to understand why shares are marching backward. The long-term view Buffett didn’t simply start acquiring shares in recent quarters. He’s been doing so for a… Read More

#-ad_banner-#Back in February, I took a close look at Warren Buffett’s $12 billion stake in Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC). Well, it’s now more like a $10 billion position. He hasn’t sold shares, but the bank’s stock has been steadily dropping, giving the Oracle of Omaha a rare black eye. To understand Buffett’s next move with this massive banking concern, you need to understand why shares are marching backward. The long-term view Buffett didn’t simply start acquiring shares in recent quarters. He’s been doing so for a number of years. But you could argue that his long-term bullishness has been a bit misplaced, or at least a bit premature. He steadily bought Wells Fargo shares in the middle of the last decade, despite signs the housing sector was starting to overheat. More recently, he bought a lot of stock last fall and winter on hopes the U.S. economy was on the cusp of a broad-based upturn. As a result, his buying binges in 2007 and again in late 2010 took place in the low $30s, above the current price.   The appeal to… Read More

Years ago, my dad and I were driving across his farm in his vintage Land Rover, which looks almost exactly like the one John Wayne used in the movie “Hatari!” The heavy-duty off-road tires were having a hard slog through the mud. Dad had cut across a recently plowed field rather than take the long way back to the road. The tires made slow and steady progress — Dad’s old Rover is a tank — and after a few minutes and probably five gallons of gasoline, the nose of the vehicle bounced up and the tires bit into the country… Read More

Years ago, my dad and I were driving across his farm in his vintage Land Rover, which looks almost exactly like the one John Wayne used in the movie “Hatari!” The heavy-duty off-road tires were having a hard slog through the mud. Dad had cut across a recently plowed field rather than take the long way back to the road. The tires made slow and steady progress — Dad’s old Rover is a tank — and after a few minutes and probably five gallons of gasoline, the nose of the vehicle bounced up and the tires bit into the country lane that circles the property. #-ad_banner-#Dad, clearly pleased with himself for conquering the field, didn’t take his foot off the gas and we were soon going nearly 70 miles per hour down a country road with grass in the middle of it. He looked over to me and grinned. “That’s what happens, son,” he said, “when the rubber meets the road!” It became a sort of catch phrase between us. Whenever something really took off, one of us would say, “Well, looks like the rubber met the road,” and we’d both… Read More