David Sterman has worked as an investment analyst for nearly two decades. He started his Wall Street career in equity research at Smith Barney, culminating in a position as Senior Analyst covering European banks. While at Smith Barney, he learned of all the tricks used by Wall Street to steer the best advice to their top clients and their own trading desk. David has also served as Managing Editor at TheStreet.com and Director of Research at Individual Investor. In addition, David worked as Director of Research for Jesup & Lamont Securities. David has made numerous media appearances over the years, primarily on CNBC and Bloomberg TV, and has a master's degree in management from Georgia Tech. David Stermanon

Analyst Articles

Ask investment buffs why they spend so much more time researching and picking securities than most people, and they’ll probably tell you they want the best performance possible from their portfolios. They certainly don’t want to track the S&P 500, and they may not even be satisfied to beat it… Read More