Genia Turanova

Genia Turanova, Chief Investment Strategist for Game-Changing Stocks and Fast-Track Millionaire, is a financial writer and money manager whose experience includes serving for more than a decade as a portfolio manager and Investment Committee member for a New York-based money management firm.  Genia also researched, wrote and managed recommendations for several investment advisories. From 2011 to 2016, she served as Editor of the award-winning Leeb Income Performance newsletter. Genia also wrote for The Complete Investor, another award winner, from 2003 to 2016. During that time, Genia was responsible for several portfolios, including the "Income/Value" portfolio and the "FastTrack" portfolio. Genia's academic credentials include an MBA in Finance and Investments from the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College in New York City. Genia is a CFA Charterholder.

Analyst Articles

Should I stay or should I go? If you’ve been singing this 1981 tune by the English punk rock band The Clash to yourself since late September, you are not alone.  In the fourth-quarter selloff last year, U.S. equities lost $4 trillion in combined market value. For those who had chosen to stay and not to go, a sharp market bounce has helped recover much of the losses: after the 17% rally off the December low, the S&P 500 has now returned to early January 2018 levels. For the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100, the decline was deeper, but the bounce was… Read More

Should I stay or should I go? If you’ve been singing this 1981 tune by the English punk rock band The Clash to yourself since late September, you are not alone.  In the fourth-quarter selloff last year, U.S. equities lost $4 trillion in combined market value. For those who had chosen to stay and not to go, a sharp market bounce has helped recover much of the losses: after the 17% rally off the December low, the S&P 500 has now returned to early January 2018 levels. For the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100, the decline was deeper, but the bounce was sharper. At its lowest levels of 2018, the Nasdaq was down 23% from its highs. Since its December lows, though, it has rallied some 19%.  As a result, the Nasdaq is now higher by about 10% from its 2017 levels. —Recommended Link— How I hacked the stock market and got away with thousands. Make $30,000 in 2 months exploiting mispriced stocks like Apple, Starbucks and other quality blue chips. Click here for the easy (and legal) secret… Hardly a record, but still better than money-market returns. It Pays To Hold Fast But stocks are risky, you might… Read More

After a dismal fourth quarter, disheartened investors needed a snap-back rally… and they got it in spades: The S&P 500 rallied 15% from the market’s lows on December 24 through the end of January.  That’s 15% in six weeks. I think it would be fair to say that this is a far better result that many investors had expected. While the rally still wasn’t enough to recover all of 2018’s losses — the S&P 500 now trades just about 2% above its levels of the start of 2018 — this is truly a great showing. January’s rally alone was one… Read More

After a dismal fourth quarter, disheartened investors needed a snap-back rally… and they got it in spades: The S&P 500 rallied 15% from the market’s lows on December 24 through the end of January.  That’s 15% in six weeks. I think it would be fair to say that this is a far better result that many investors had expected. While the rally still wasn’t enough to recover all of 2018’s losses — the S&P 500 now trades just about 2% above its levels of the start of 2018 — this is truly a great showing. January’s rally alone was one for the record books. It was the index’s best single-month performance since October 2015 and the best start of the year since January 1987. But was the snap-back enough to restore investors’ trust in the market? —Recommended Link— URGENT NEWS: Experts Warn Your Pension Is “A Disaster Waiting to Happen” Save your retirement from miserly interest rates and an overstretched stock market with our special “Executive Dividends” Program… Learn more inside.. It should be. In fact, a rational investor shouldn’t have lost faith in the market to begin with. Especially if he or she has a strong-enough plan (like… Read More

Since 1951, the American Cancer Society has been releasing a detailed report on the status of this dreaded disease, and our progress in fighting it.  A valuable feature of these publications is their projections of the number of cancer cases and deaths expected in the country as a whole and in each state, broken down by specific types of cancer. Most recently, for instance, we learned that the recent trend of the decline in mortality rates — a decline that began in 1991 — has continued. As of 2015, the latest year for which figures are available, the mortality rate… Read More

Since 1951, the American Cancer Society has been releasing a detailed report on the status of this dreaded disease, and our progress in fighting it.  A valuable feature of these publications is their projections of the number of cancer cases and deaths expected in the country as a whole and in each state, broken down by specific types of cancer. Most recently, for instance, we learned that the recent trend of the decline in mortality rates — a decline that began in 1991 — has continued. As of 2015, the latest year for which figures are available, the mortality rate dropped to 159 per 100,000 (a decline of 26% since 1991); this translates into 2.3 million-plus fewer cancer deaths over this period. The death rate has declined especially sharply for the four most common cancer types: lung, colorectal, breast, and prostate. This is wonderful news, and there are two big reasons for this progress.  #-ad_banner-#One is related to public-health efforts, in particular the reduction in smoking. In 1991, about 46.3 million adults in the United States (25.7%) smoked cigarettes; by 2016, this number declined to 15.5% of all adults (37.8 million people).  The other has everything to do with science… Read More

If there is a single trait that all game-changing stocks, regardless of their size or industry, share, it would be their outsized growth potential. This comes with the territory. An innovative company can benefit from being a disruptor by grabbing market share from established competition, contributing to the creation of new markets or accelerating the development of existing ones. In every case, if it’s successful, its innovative nature translates into faster-than-average growth. As the company in question grows its profits, its stock price responds in kind, appreciating faster than its peers. An accelerated growth means accelerated share-price appreciation, all else… Read More

If there is a single trait that all game-changing stocks, regardless of their size or industry, share, it would be their outsized growth potential. This comes with the territory. An innovative company can benefit from being a disruptor by grabbing market share from established competition, contributing to the creation of new markets or accelerating the development of existing ones. In every case, if it’s successful, its innovative nature translates into faster-than-average growth. As the company in question grows its profits, its stock price responds in kind, appreciating faster than its peers. An accelerated growth means accelerated share-price appreciation, all else equal. This growth potential can be especially rewarding in the world of small-cap stocks. While the risks are higher — a smaller company can grow faster but it can also falter easier as it often lacks the kind of resources needed to break through competition barriers — the rewards can be significant. This is why over at Game-Changing Stocks, we continue to emphasize growth companies. And this is why the stock screen I want to share with you today is about growth as well. The Screen: Small-Cap Growth Stocks I searched for companies with market capitalization of $1 billion… Read More