International Investing

The BRIC phenomenon quickly became a Wall Street buzzword in 2001 when former Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill argued the four countries Brazil, Russia, India and China would be emerging heavyweights. —Recommended Link— [Exposed] Bigger Than Apple, Amazon, And Google Combined? His success has earned him respect from the investment world. For the past 9 years, he’s been picking profitable tech stocks reaching gains as high as 2,635%. Now, for the first time, Dr. Thomas Carr has agreed to reveal his Five Point Tech Profit strategy. He’ll also be revealing his favorite tech stocks (including… Read More

The BRIC phenomenon quickly became a Wall Street buzzword in 2001 when former Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill argued the four countries Brazil, Russia, India and China would be emerging heavyweights. —Recommended Link— [Exposed] Bigger Than Apple, Amazon, And Google Combined? His success has earned him respect from the investment world. For the past 9 years, he’s been picking profitable tech stocks reaching gains as high as 2,635%. Now, for the first time, Dr. Thomas Carr has agreed to reveal his Five Point Tech Profit strategy. He’ll also be revealing his favorite tech stocks (including names and ticker symbols)… and what he believes is the #1 technology opportunity right now. Watch it live on Wednesday, August 15th at 1:00 p.m. EST. Reserve a FREE spot at the event here. Shares of BRICs (South Africa was inducted in 2010) funds bounced back from the Great Recession on high commodity prices but have lagged the S&P 500 over the last five years. An equal-weighted portfolio of the emerging market behemoths would have yielded an annualized 3.3% return versus 11.5% for the large cap U.S. index. #-ad_banner-#No longer the hot momentum trade, is it… Read More

There are very few certainties in the stock market. One that everyone can agree upon is that today’s bull market will end. It may end with a whimper, or it may end with an earth-shaking, saber-rattling crash of epic proportions. No one knows for sure! —Recommended Link— The Best Stocks For Scaredy-Cats The results are in. After 17 years of research, we know that these stocks make you the most money. (One of them turned $1,000 into $845,000.) And they’re safer than buying an S&P index fund. So if you want to stop taking chances with your money this… Read More

There are very few certainties in the stock market. One that everyone can agree upon is that today’s bull market will end. It may end with a whimper, or it may end with an earth-shaking, saber-rattling crash of epic proportions. No one knows for sure! —Recommended Link— The Best Stocks For Scaredy-Cats The results are in. After 17 years of research, we know that these stocks make you the most money. (One of them turned $1,000 into $845,000.) And they’re safer than buying an S&P index fund. So if you want to stop taking chances with your money this is the ONLY way to go. It’s easy, it’s simple, and it works. The current bull market is nearing its 10-year anniversary. There has not been a 20% decline in the S&P 500 since the great financial crisis of 2007-2008. #-ad_banner-#There is no telling how long the bull run will last. It is now the second most extended U.S. bull market of all time, second only to the nearly 13 years run from October 1987 to March 2000. Risk equals reward in the financial markets — the higher the risk, the higher the reward. There is no such thing as… Read More

Investors have been waiting for a selloff in U.S. stocks for years — anything to bring prices back into some semblance of value-territory. The 10% correction in January was an opportunity, albeit a short-lived one, with the S&P 500 regaining nearly 8% in less than three weeks. —Recommended Link— LEAKED: Secret List Reveals Top Growth Stocks To Buy Now Private clients have been getting this secretive research for years, using it to make gains of 310%, 452%, 569%, and more… Now, a small research outfit is leaking THE LIST to the public. Take a peek at it here… While… Read More

Investors have been waiting for a selloff in U.S. stocks for years — anything to bring prices back into some semblance of value-territory. The 10% correction in January was an opportunity, albeit a short-lived one, with the S&P 500 regaining nearly 8% in less than three weeks. —Recommended Link— LEAKED: Secret List Reveals Top Growth Stocks To Buy Now Private clients have been getting this secretive research for years, using it to make gains of 310%, 452%, 569%, and more… Now, a small research outfit is leaking THE LIST to the public. Take a peek at it here… While most analysts aren’t calling for a U.S. recession until late next year or 2020, a bear market has quietly presented an opportunity somewhere else…in one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Shares trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange have plunged 20% since the late-January peak on slowing economic growth and the escalating trade war with the United States. It may be the opportunity and wake-up call U.S. investors need. Snapping up shares of companies primed to benefit as China takes its place as an economic powerhouse and build a portfolio from almost no exposure to the space. The Selloff Opportunity On… Read More

Last Friday, the tariff war started in earnest: the U.S. imposed $34 billion worth of tariffs on China and, in response, China said it applied its own tariffs on U.S. goods. —Recommended Link— How To Build A ‘Battle-Hardened’ Portfolio Did you know that no matter how big your nest egg is today…the odds of your grandchildren seeing a dime of inheritance is less than 10%? We’ve uncovered the solution to the 3rd generation curse–introducing our new Legacy Assets Portfolio. This collection of battle-hardened stocks is proven to generate income hand over fist… no matter what the market throws at… Read More

Last Friday, the tariff war started in earnest: the U.S. imposed $34 billion worth of tariffs on China and, in response, China said it applied its own tariffs on U.S. goods. —Recommended Link— How To Build A ‘Battle-Hardened’ Portfolio Did you know that no matter how big your nest egg is today…the odds of your grandchildren seeing a dime of inheritance is less than 10%? We’ve uncovered the solution to the 3rd generation curse–introducing our new Legacy Assets Portfolio. This collection of battle-hardened stocks is proven to generate income hand over fist… no matter what the market throws at it. It’s returned 45% gains to investors in just the past two years and turned every 50k into better than $100,000 in the last five. Click here to discover the recession-proof Legacy Assets your grandkids will thank you for. A ship laden with U.S. soybeans raced to arrive at its port of destination in northern China before the deadline, but it got there too late. Because the shipment reached Dalian hours after the deadline, the soybeans were subject to a 25% tariff. Other U.S.-made products subject to tariffs include agricultural products such as beef and pork, cars and “aquatic products”… Read More

Would you ever consider putting your hard-earned investment dollars in a place like Nigeria or Kenya? It’s a question that strikes at the heart of an investor’s risk tolerance. —Recommended Link— Better Than Social Security? This alternative retirement system keeps on paying you no matter what happens to the government program. You can collect “Social Security Insurance” even if you’ve never worked a day in your life. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. But how you answer it may be a key factor in determining whether you have “what it takes” to capture truly outsized gains… Read More

Would you ever consider putting your hard-earned investment dollars in a place like Nigeria or Kenya? It’s a question that strikes at the heart of an investor’s risk tolerance. —Recommended Link— Better Than Social Security? This alternative retirement system keeps on paying you no matter what happens to the government program. You can collect “Social Security Insurance” even if you’ve never worked a day in your life. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. But how you answer it may be a key factor in determining whether you have “what it takes” to capture truly outsized gains in the stock market. While many people would stay up at night worrying about that kind of an investment, others look at opportunities in far-flung places and see vast and seemingly limitless potential. #-ad_banner-#These up-and-coming countries, or “frontier markets,” tend to be smaller and less developed than emerging markets like China and India. And while they don’t get the same kind of media coverage as these countries, their growth potential is staggering. Many frontier markets are posting astonishing economic growth of 6% to 9% per year. As these economies grow and consumers become wealthier, these markets will present incredible opportunities… Read More

Love him or hate him, Trump has shown his formidable negotiation skills on the world stage. Keeping the press and his opponents off balance with an anti-aircraft, artillery fire-style tweet storm, our Commander-in-Chief has made positive inroads where past world leaders have failed miserably. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry. Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government — a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in… Read More

Love him or hate him, Trump has shown his formidable negotiation skills on the world stage. Keeping the press and his opponents off balance with an anti-aircraft, artillery fire-style tweet storm, our Commander-in-Chief has made positive inroads where past world leaders have failed miserably. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry. Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government — a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to learn more. As unconventional — and, frankly, entertaining — as U.S. global relations have become, nothing beats the latest U.S. win for long-term peace and prosperity. Savvy speculators are already scrambling to capture profits based on the potential results of Trump’s diplomacy. #-ad_banner-#I am talking about the possible de-nuclearization and economic opening of North Korea. The on-again, off-again United States-North Korean summit could not have gone more positive — not to mention the fact that even fiction writers would struggle to create… Read More

A diversified portfolio is essential to long-term investment success. That’s because a well-thought-out strategy helps investors earn consistent returns. And it reduces overall portfolio risk. But there’s more to diversification than adding different asset classes to a portfolio. Investors need a balanced approach to diversification. And this need goes well beyond simply placing income-producing securities into an equity portfolio. #-ad_banner-#That’s because a properly diversified portfolio doesn’t just expose an investor to different asset classes. It offers geographic diversification through exposure to emerging market (EM) economies as well. This mitigates an investor’s exposure to the type of risk where some macroeconomic… Read More

A diversified portfolio is essential to long-term investment success. That’s because a well-thought-out strategy helps investors earn consistent returns. And it reduces overall portfolio risk. But there’s more to diversification than adding different asset classes to a portfolio. Investors need a balanced approach to diversification. And this need goes well beyond simply placing income-producing securities into an equity portfolio. #-ad_banner-#That’s because a properly diversified portfolio doesn’t just expose an investor to different asset classes. It offers geographic diversification through exposure to emerging market (EM) economies as well. This mitigates an investor’s exposure to the type of risk where some macroeconomic event affects all asset classes at the same time. But not everyone agrees. Some investment advisers decry the need for exposure to emerging markets. They believe that EMs depend too heavily on developed economies. This dependence means that emerging market economies mirror the volatility of the developed nations. But they do so with weaker political and social contracts. This makes them less suitable for conservative investors.  A New Era But these advisers are missing an important point. What was true in the past isn’t true anymore. You see, emerging market economies have entered a new era. They are now… Read More

It’s official. President Trump has just signed an executive order enacting protective tariffs on aluminum and steel. Shipments originating from Mexico and Canada are temporarily exempt while new a new framework for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is hammered out. All other imports will be subject to duties of 10% and 25%, respectively. —Sponsored Link— Bitcoin Is Skyrocketing! But while the rest of the world is fixated on watching Bitcoin grow.There’s an even BIGGER story developing. There’s a little-known digital asset that could be your key to turning a small investment into millions. Read More

It’s official. President Trump has just signed an executive order enacting protective tariffs on aluminum and steel. Shipments originating from Mexico and Canada are temporarily exempt while new a new framework for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is hammered out. All other imports will be subject to duties of 10% and 25%, respectively. —Sponsored Link— Bitcoin Is Skyrocketing! But while the rest of the world is fixated on watching Bitcoin grow.There’s an even BIGGER story developing. There’s a little-known digital asset that could be your key to turning a small investment into millions. And it’s more accessible and less risky than Bitcoin. But like all good things, there is a catch. You only have until April 27 to get in on the ground floor. Once this digital asset goes offline, you’ll have missed out on your chance of turning your money into $2.3 million dollar fortune. Click here to learn more about this digital asset now. The decision was made under the auspices of national security, as the United States doesn’t want to be overly dependent on foreign sources of strategic metals. Still, the move drew swift condemnation from… Read More

Contrarian investors like to buy stocks other investors despise. This is how value investors find stocks with the potential to produce outsized returns. And it works, too. After all, Warren Buffet and Seth Klarman have made good livings finding and investing in value stocks. And if it works for them, it will work for investors with a lot less money to invest. But the problem is that U.S. stock markets sit near record levels, meaning even marginal companies have seen stock prices rise for no good reason. This is the result of several years of interventionist Federal Reserve policies. #-ad_banner-#This… Read More

Contrarian investors like to buy stocks other investors despise. This is how value investors find stocks with the potential to produce outsized returns. And it works, too. After all, Warren Buffet and Seth Klarman have made good livings finding and investing in value stocks. And if it works for them, it will work for investors with a lot less money to invest. But the problem is that U.S. stock markets sit near record levels, meaning even marginal companies have seen stock prices rise for no good reason. This is the result of several years of interventionist Federal Reserve policies. #-ad_banner-#This explains the nosebleed levels where many financial metrics reside. For example, the S&P 500’s price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) is 26.7 — a 70% premium to its average. A better predictor of valuation is the cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio (CAPE). Presently, the CAPE ratio sits at 34.59 — more than 105% above its mean. Even the price-to-book ratio, at 3.58, is 30% higher than its long-term average. So what’s an investor to do? Value investors have little choice but to seek value plays outside of the United States. And that’s the reason I’m looking for value in an unusual place — Russia. Read More

A recent report by Accenture highlights an amazing statistic. Its research shows that just 15 public, digital-ecosystem companies have a market capitalization totaling nearly $3 trillion. That’s an average size of roughly $200 billion each.  Even more amazing is the idea that the industry is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 18% between now and 2026. That makes this a trend every investor should get behind.  So, what is a digital ecosystem? Gartner Research defines a digital ecosystem as “an interdependent group of enterprises… that… Read More

A recent report by Accenture highlights an amazing statistic. Its research shows that just 15 public, digital-ecosystem companies have a market capitalization totaling nearly $3 trillion. That’s an average size of roughly $200 billion each.  Even more amazing is the idea that the industry is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 18% between now and 2026. That makes this a trend every investor should get behind.  So, what is a digital ecosystem? Gartner Research defines a digital ecosystem as “an interdependent group of enterprises… that share standardized digital platforms for a mutually beneficial purpose.” In English, it means some companies have built digital platforms that customers don’t want to leave. And the longer a person stays on a particular ecosystem, the more revenue that platform generates. #-ad_banner-#That’s how companies like Alphabet (Nasdaq: GOOG), Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN), Tencent (OTC: TCEHY), and Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) have grown so big. More importantly, it’s the reason Yahoo! died and Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) is running out of time.  You see, Yahoo failed to learn the lessons of Facebook and Google. The company proved unable to create an ecosystem that would… Read More