Investing Basics

Picking good stocks is only the first part of the formula for successful investing. The second part involves watching your portfolio for signs of trouble and culling stocks that become too risky. Two weeks ago, I listed three metrics I use to identify risky stocks. I’m always… Read More

Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) and (Nasdaq: AMZN) have emerged as the three most important players in the consumer technology landscape. These companies are so good at what they do (building deeply loyal customer bases and ever-rising revenue streams) that they may not even notice that they have… Read More

Target-date funds sound like they make retirement simple. Plunk one or more into your 401(k) or IRA account, choose a retirement date and watch your portfolio grow, bringing you to the financial nirvana every retiree craves. That’s the allure of a target-date retirement fund. Read More

Insiders and directors of LinkedIn (Nasdaq: LNKD) have to be pleased with how their stock has performed since going public in May. A solid 64% gain in the past six months (while the Nasdaq has shed 7%) makes it one of the best performing… Read More