Investing Basics

When it comes to biotech stocks, some investors like to swing for the fences. When that plan works, it feels great. Shareholders of Dendreon (Nasdaq: DNDN), for example, saw their investment rise from $3 in March 2009 to more than $20 in just two months. The stock has doubled again… Read More

In 1999, James Glassman and Kevin Hassett grabbed headlines with their book Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting From the Coming Rise in the Stock Market. Their timing was impeccably bad. The Dow Jones Industrial Average peaked later that year at 11,900 and didn’t see the same levels again… Read More

We’re less than a week away from a key milestone. The first half of 2011 will come to a close and investors will look ahead for what the second half of the year has in store. #-ad_banner-#The S&P 500 began the year at 1,260, rose roughly 110 points (or 9%) by early May and has since given back much of the gains. Looked at another way, the S&P 500 has risen roughly 3% this year, which is good for a 6% annualized gain. This is not especially impressive — but it could have been worse. With all… Read More

We’re less than a week away from a key milestone. The first half of 2011 will come to a close and investors will look ahead for what the second half of the year has in store. #-ad_banner-#The S&P 500 began the year at 1,260, rose roughly 110 points (or 9%) by early May and has since given back much of the gains. Looked at another way, the S&P 500 has risen roughly 3% this year, which is good for a 6% annualized gain. This is not especially impressive — but it could have been worse. With all the global headwinds in place, investors could just as easily have been looking at major losses in the first half of 2011. One thing’s for sure: the past will not be prologue. More than likely, the market is going to finally respond to some of the looming crises and turn down [“5 Economic Crises that Could Derail Your Portfolio”]. Or these issues may recede in importance, kicking off the next leg of a powerful bull market that began in March 2009 and lasted for more than two years. [“5 Reasons… Read More